Flections is a slow publishing platform with
text-based contributions by various people from the
arts in a broad sense. The writings are carefully
Representing matter through language allows the exploration of a space between image and word. An image could use the help of a few words; words could bring a new image. Flection: 1. The act of bending, or state of being bent. 2. The variation of words by declension, comparison, or conjugation; inflection. (Webster dictionary) Flection:
The state of one's appearance, until seen in a second material making a reflection. As long as you can see the object in person then it is a flection. If seen in any other way, like a TV, then it is their reflection "Your flectioning good today." "You flection good without braces." (Urban dictionary) Kindly supported by the Flemish Government and Mondriaan Fund.
Félicia Atkinson
Carlotta Bailly-Borg Feiko Beckers Piero Bisello Dina Danish Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost Filarowska Eric Giraudet de Boudemange Francesca Grilli Rumiko Hagiwara Henrik Olai Kaarstein Bitsy Knox Aukje Koks Frank Koolen Gwendolyn Lootens Chaim van Luit Lorna Macintyre Perri MacKenzie Jean-Baptiste Maitre Hana Miletić Anna Muchin Scarlett O'Hanna Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh Anouchka Oler Sahar Saâdaoui Sam Samiee Daniel van Straalen David de Tscharner Yann Vanderme |