All Growth is a Series of Movements 1 Gestures Stone Quartet Hock and claret glasses, shimmering, a spiny shell, where it concerted, mirrored, bronze with sunnier bronze 2 Fir Moment Open Eye and Shut Eye Music, Violets and the Letter S 3 Storms as He Walks Night Blue Fruit 2 The Finches Imagiste Speaking in Tongues Carrington - upstairs under CAR Objects in Relation Eidolon Extra Flat Ostranenie Night-Black and Paper-White 4 Notes in Silver Sun Stone December Ultra-Thin Where I am is Here 5 Rain, Hail, Thunder, Lightning Without Flux Stone-Like-Thing Tropic of Capricorn Arabesque Shadow’s Prose Paragraphs Correspondences Oneiric Pyramid Rock 1 from ‘The Secret Life of Plants’, Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird (1973) 2 from ‘Ulysses’, James Joyce, 1922 3 title chapter from ‘A Room With a View’, E M Forster, 1908 4 from ‘Lee Miller’, Carolyn Burke, 2007 5 title of a Margaret Tait work, 1964 |
Félicia Atkinson
Carlotta Bailly-Borg Feiko Beckers Piero Bisello Dina Danish Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost Filarowska Eric Giraudet de Boudemange Francesca Grilli Rumiko Hagiwara Henrik Olai Kaarstein Bitsy Knox Aukje Koks Frank Koolen Gwendolyn Lootens Chaim van Luit Lorna Macintyre ·Words for titles (unused,
some borrowed) Perri MacKenzie
Jean-Baptiste Maitre Hana Miletić Anna Muchin Scarlett O'Hanna Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh Anouchka Oler Sahar Saâdaoui Sam Samiee Daniel van Straalen David de Tscharner Yann Vanderme Insert