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Stretch the log, put the helmet on the knight, distort the picture. Amphibian­woman, rubber­man, corkscrew­boys, overlapped leaves, make them shine. Stabilize the cobalt blue. Look up your nose, twist your neck, blow it, crack it, pierce two holes where the eyes are, watch the reflection on the ground. Plant sticks while mourning the artichoke, cut off the perspective, splash it all with water. Swallow up living salamanders and fire, disguise yourself. ­ Become a tree, the tree is a paintbrush still full of its pine cones. Teeth are phosphorescent and the heart is dull. Draw the horizon, draw a light­beam. Shake a coconut tree, transform the warrior into a wooden fence. Add a pipe, add a shadow, wrinkle the mountain and cover the sofa. Cast an eye over it, the stage is set up.

Félicia Atkinson
Carlotta Bailly-Borg