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My girlfriend sometimes complains that I don't always listen to her. I'm not going to deny that, but I do believe that's only partially true. I do listen to her. The problem is that I believe I can listen to her while doing other things. Like reading an email or even listening to a podcast. And of course that's impossible.

So when I don't listen to her that's not out of a lack of interest. It's pure and simple overestimation.

A while ago she found a solution to this problem. Whenever she feels I'm not paying attention when she speaks, she will suddenly say; “Adolf Hitler.” Preferably in the middle of a sentence. And then I will always immediately look up. Like a dog that hears a whistle or a cat that hears the sound of a can of cat food being opened.

This comparison is not entirely accurate. Because while the dog will be rewarded with a walk and the cat will get her cat food, I unfortunately never get to have a conversation with my girlfriend about the rise and fall of national-socialism.
